

237 Uppsatser om Michael buckland - Sida 1 av 16

?Vi får inte skaffa Internet? En studie av sex unga personer med med lindrig utvecklingsstörning och deras informationssvanor samt bibliotekets roll i informationsanskaffningen

The purpose of this study is to investigate information seeking habits among young persons with mild mental disability. We wanted to know how they seek information in everyday life, barriers they experience when seeking information and also if they consider the library to be a source of information.The theoretical background of this study is based on the works of T. D. Wilson and Michael buckland. Wilson?s model of information seeking behavior and seeking information was used as a tool analyzing the results from the interviews.

Vikten av bemötande: dyslektikers erfarenheter av bibliotek

The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of how dyslexic adults experience the library, their meeting with a librarian and how they feel they are being helped with finding literature. To answer the purpose of the study I have conducted six semi-structured interviews with dyslexic adults.. Two theoretical models were used as an analytical tool in this study. One was Michael buckland's aspects of access to information. The other is four aspects that explains the significance of personal encounter at the library.

Information ur ett poststrukturalistiskt perspektiv: En diskussion kring informationsrelaterade teorier hos Mark C. Taylor, Jacques Derrida och Michel Foucault.

Defining the concept of information has long been the subject of debate within Information Science (IS) and new challenges are constantly presented by new scientific discoveries and new theoretical positions. It is, nevertheless, of key importance for any academic discipline to find definitions on which there is a consensus. The paper therefore aims to clarify the relevance of one of these new theoretical approaches for IS, namely poststructuralism. It does so by describing the theories found in the writings of poststructuralists Mark C. Taylor, Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, and discussing their relevance for the three definitions of information suggested by Michael buckland (Information-as-knowledge, Information-as thing and Information-as-process), thereby answering the following questions: What relevance does Mark C.

Strömmande läsning och annan läsning. Bibliotekariers syn på läshjälpmedel för funktionshindrade

This qualitative study is based upon interviews with librarians. It investigates the librarians? opinions on material adapted for disabled people and examines strategies used to market user friendly services for the disabled. The study explores librarians? views about streaming directly on the internet.

"They don´t care about us!" : Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters framställning av Michael Jackson bortgång

Den 25 juni 2009 dog en av världens mest kända artister, Michael Jackson. Detta orsakade stora rubriker i massmedierna och fans över hela världen sörjde. Denna uppsats handlar om hur Michael Jacksons bortgång framställdes i av de största tidningarna i Sverige, Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter. Vi formulerade följande frågeställningar:Hur framställs och vinklas Michael Jacksons bortgång i Aftonbladet respektive Dagens Nyheter? I vad mån skiljer sig framställningen och vinklingen mellan de båda tidningarna?Genom en kvalitativ textanalys som analysredskap försökte vi besvara dessa frågeställningar.

Skvaller eller nöjesnyheter? : Så rapporterade svensk press om Michael Jacksons död.

En kvalitativ undersökning av hur de största svenska tidningarna rapporterade om Michael Jacksons död. Genom en innehållsanalys och intervjuer med journalister kartläggs det första dygnet efter stjärnans bortgång för att se hur nöjesjournalister bemöter nyheter genom att undersöka vilka källor man använde och vad man valde att publicera på webben och i pappret. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av mediamaterialet samt strukturerade intervjuer med journalisterna som jobbade under det valda dygnet. Centralt för uppsatsen är hur journalister på Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen ställer sig till kändissajten TMZ och hur de värderar sajten som källa. Den teoretiska bakgrunden utgörs av studier i medieetik, källkritik och kändiskultur.

Det kan alltid bli bättre: Bibliotekens tillgänglighet för funktionshindrade barn och ungdomar

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the accessibility and barriers of public libraries to intellectual and mentally disabled children and young people. This we will do by examining whether the library staff acts according to policies of the libraries. Our method has been qualitative interviews with library staff and we have also observed the environment, media and marketing of these libraries. As a theoretical starting point of the analysis we use Michael buckland?s different aspects of access to information.

E-böcker på folkbibliotek ? Fokus på prismodell och bestånd

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the situation for ebooksin Swedish public libraries. The background is anincreasing lending of e-books in public libraries, with anacquisition model formed when e-books were more of anexperiment in a few libraries. The debate has escalated in therecent years and in this thesis I aim to investigate thelibraries? experience with e-books and the current pricemodel. The empirical material comes from interviews witheight head of public libraries in the Västra Götaland region.As theoretical background, I have used Michael buckland?sfour roles of collections and price models from Lee andBoyle.My results show ambivalence with the price model.

?Biblioteket är där man träffar böckerna?: Utvecklingsstördas möte med folkbiblioteket ur ett tillgänglighetsperspektiv.

The aim of this master thesis is to study what relationship mentally disabled adults have with the public library and what factors affect their meeting with the library. The work of the library is also studied so that the experiences of the mentally disabled can be put in relation to the work performed for the group. The method used was interviews with four mentally disabled adults and one librarian responsible for the social function and availability at the library. As a theoretical framework Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model over the profiles of the library and Michael buckland?s barriers, which must be overcome to achieve full access to information, were used.

"Sof sött, i frid, Du får tids nog vaka" : En jämförelse av dikter till barn skrivna av Carl Michael Bellman och Magnus Uggla

I denna uppsats undersökt vilka likheter och skillnader som finns i texter till barn skrivna av författarna Carl Michael Bellman och Magnus Uggla. Utgångspunkten är att med hjälp av tillfällesdiktens ramar jämföra ett antal av Bellmans dikter med varandra samt att jämföra framför allt vaggvisan med Ugglas text. Inledningsvis granskas texterna enskilt och därefter ställs de mot varandra..

Bibliotek möter fritidshem

In Sweden, many children in compulsory school attend after-school recreation centres. All children are offered local after-school recreation centre attendance in the age 6-12 during their parents? work hours. Our aim with this Master thesis is to investigate how after-school recreation centres can use libraries to stimulate children?s own interest to read.

Allas bibliotek? En fallstudie om tillgänglighet utifrån exemplet Sundsvalls stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the accessibility for persons with disabilities to service, materials, and the library building in one Swedish public library, and also to see what guides the development of accessibility at this library. In order to do this we have studied guidelines and political documents to se how this library responds to them. To our case study, data have also been collected by qualitative interviews, and observation of what this library offers impaired persons at the library?s web site, in special materials, facilities, and the functionality of the library building.

En studie av högskolebibliotekariers uppfattningar om distansstudenter som användargrupp

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate how a group of academic librarians perceive distance learners as a user group. We have in our study been influenced by phenomenography, which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology. The theoretical frame of reference consists of Carol Kuhlthaus different levels of education and Michael buckland´s information barriers. Using a qualitative method consisting of nine interviews with academic librarians and structural factor such as academic library policies, we have been able to conduct our study. The results of the study are presented in grouped categories of quotations that reflect various perceptions.

Fientliga förvärv : Michael C. Jensens teori om fientliga förvärv applicerad på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Den här kandidatuppsatsen har undersökt applicerbarheten av Michael C. Jensens teori om fientliga förvärv med både framgångsrik och ej framgångsrik utgång på den svenska aktiemarknaden mellan år 1995 till 2008. Totalundersökningen har funnit 44 fientliga förvärvssituationer på de officiella marknadsplatserna för aktiehandel under den granskade tidsperioden, varav 24 var framgångsrika och 20 ej framgångsrika. Genom att imitera Jensens tillvägagångssätt har konsekvenserna av de fientliga förvärven på både målföretag och förvärvande parter analyserats vid ett givet antal periodstudier med hjälp av måttet överavkastning. Överavkastningen har vägts mot respektive periodstudies antal och därmed har den vägda genomsnittliga överavkastningen räknats fram.

Studenters informationsbeteende och exemplet Studentkåren i Borås

The purpose of this thesis is to show students? information behaviour in everyday life and towards the Student Union of Borås. Methods of active information seeking and more random information encountering as well as information ignorance are of interest. The study focused on three issues; the first was to examine what information behaviour the students presented while acquiring information in their everyday life. The second was to find out what information behaviour the students had to acquire information from the Student Union of Borås.

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